Newborn Pictures
I know it’s cliche to say, but the last six weeks have been the very best of my life. There is something magical about your second child. As a parent, you have gone through the trials of the newborn stage before, and have a little bit of experience under your belt, there is a calm about both Alex and me that has been exchanged with the sheer panic we experienced with our first. So much of which comes down to…we kind of know what we are doing now with this whole parenting gig.

We have also been very fortunate and Lane hasn’t struggled with so many things that many babies face when they are first born. Lilly was sent back to the hospital after two days at home, so this has been a different experience in so many ways. Of course, I can’t peg the bliss I have felt this time around to Lane being our second child, but in many ways, I would say that’s the case.

There is also nothing sweeter than seeing Lilly interact with Lane. I honestly think my heart might burst at the seams when I watch the two of them. She has grown up so much this last year, and she’s a stellar big sister.

All I can say is, I have never been so sleep-deprived but happy in my entire life. It feels like Lane has always been with us, and maybe that’s because, in some ways, he has been, as God was slowly planning to place him into our lives.

If any of you follow along on my Instagram Stories, you know that we have been renovating our house for over a year now. It’s been a slow process, and we definitely have run into bumps along the way. However, what you might not know is that Lane’s nursery wasn’t even finished when I went into labor.

In addition to Lane’s nursery not being complete, my whole family has been sleeping in the living room while our upstairs gets renovated. Lilly has been sleeping on a couch, and Alex and I are sleeping on our old bed in the center of the living room. It’s been an adventure, to say the least. Now, Lane sleeps in a bassinet next to us so it’s just a party in the living room right now!

Two weeks after Lane was born, the nursery was finally (almost) complete, so I reached out to our favorite family and wedding photographer, Mariah Fisher Photography, to see if she could squeeze us into her busy schedule. She also took our spring family/maternity pictures before baby boy arrived. We love her, and if you want to know why, keep scrolling through these stunning pictures!

With Lane’s nursery, I knew I wanted it to be minimalistic but feel little boy…yet not so little boy that he couldn’t transition it into a big boy room…and eventually a teenager room. I will be sharing more details about the nursery in another post coming up soon!
Lane’s Nursery Details:

We did add a few touches of a golf theme to his nursery like these adorable watercolor prints from Crystal Bay Designs.

Lane was awake but so calm for pretty much our whole session with Mariah. He’s always been so alert and curious about the world…which results in very short naps throughout the day because he doesn’t want to miss a thing!

Lane’s personalized bow swaddle was the first item I purchased for him when we decided on a name. I love that we were able to use it for his newborn pictures.

Sharing our Outfit Details Below:
- Kalyn: Dress / Necklace
- Alex: Shirt / Pants
- Lilly: Big Sister Dress / Bow
- Lane: Swaddle / Little Brother Outfit

Lilly was mildly nervous about holding Lane for these pictures because he had just projectile spit up all over her a few days prior. Luckily, she isn’t afraid anymore and loves holding her brother again.

The many sweet faces of Lane Brooks. I love the one of him yawning. Like I said before, Mariah Fisher Photography is so amazing at capturing all the special moments.

Another early purchase I made when we found out we were having a boy were these Big Sister and Little Brother outfits. My heart can’t handle these sweet siblings in them.

Officially a family of four, I had spent months dreaming of this sweet baby boy while he was growing in my belly and it still seems like a dream that he is here some days. Everyday I tell him, “I can’t believe you were in my tummy”. Best gift I ever had to wait for.

My sweet big sister who now seems so grown up to me. Time slow down! I am so proud of this little girl and how she has handled the transition from being a super only child to a great big sister.

A special thank you to Mariah Fisher Photography for always capturing our family so beautifully!