Mommy and Me Outfits: Bow Dresses & Seersucker Blazers

Mommy and Me Outfits | What to Wear for Easter

A few memorable Lilly moments from today:

  1. Today was Dr. Suess Day at Lilly’s preschool. Her teachers made them green eggs and ham for a snack. Lilly was NOT interested. She even told one of her teachers that she was highly allergic to green eggs and ham and would die if she took one bite.
  2. This afternoon, as I was steaming broccoli in preparation for dinner. Lilly woke up from her nap, and I could hear her as she slowly came down the stairs saying, “Oh man…GROSS! Oh man…that stinks! SO STINKY…geez oh MAN!”. When she finally arrived in the kitchen she asked me what smelled, I said broccoli. Lilly looked at me quietly for a moment then said, “You should NEVER make broccoli like this AGAIN!”.
  3. Watching Lilly pretend play is one of my favorite things ever. I sometimes wish I could just take a permanent picture in my head of her to keep with me forever. Tonight she was playing Barbies by herself, and my heart melted hearing how she had her Barbie friends speaking to one another. This age is so sweet. She isn’t hindered by worldly judgments and is so happy, and 100% herself. It’s so sad to think that it won’t always be that way for her.

Mommy and Me Outfits | What to Wear for Easter

Mommy and Me Outfits | What to Wear for Easter

Mommy and Me Outfits

This weekend, Lilly and I shot these Mommy and Me Outfits. She literally loves getting blog pictures (98% of the time).  I tell make-believe stories to her while we are shooting. As we drive to the location, I start planting the seeds of the story getting her excited for more, and she thinks it’s so funny to go to the “location” where the story takes place.

Mommy and Me Outfits | What to Wear for Easter

Mommy and Me Outfits | Pink Bow Dress | Seersucker Blazer | Scallop Ballet Flats

(My Outfit: Blazer, Dress (similar), Shoes, Bag, Sunglasses // Lilly’s Outfit: Blazer, Dress (similar, also love this one), Shoes, Sunglasses)

She was cracking me up while shooting blog pictures this weekend because she was trying to pose like I was. I apologize for the picture overload, but I had to share them all! There is nothing better than being a mom.

Mommy and Me Outfits | Easter Dress | Pink Bow Dress | Seersucker Blazer


Happy Tuesday, loves! I hope you are having a great week!



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