The First-Ever Lilly Pulitzer Dress for Summer Sale | Tips on How To Shop The Sale with Ease

Lilly Pulitzer Sale | Tips for Shopping Lilly Pulitzer Sale | Lilly Pulitzer | Mommy and Me Dresses | #preppy #lillypulitzer #preppysummerstyle #mommyandmedresses

Lilly Pulitzer is having their FIRST EVER Summer Sale with pieces up to 60% off! The Lilly Pulitzer Dress For Summer Sale will be this Monday, June 29th-Tuesday, June 30th! Typically, Lilly Pulitzer only has two sales a year: the After Party Sale in the fall (typically late August or early September) and Winter (January), but for the first time ever, they are launching a 2 day flash sale to stock up on summer items.

Dress For Summer Sale Details:

The best part about this sale is you can shop and wear the items all summer long. With the After Party Sale, it’s in “Lilly offseason” unless you are headed somewhere tropical or going on vacation!

The Dress for Summer Sale will begin on Monday, June 29th at around 8 AM ET and end at 11:59 PM ET on Tuesday, June 30th.

Similar to the After Party Sale, there will be a virtual line to get into the sale. The past few After Party Sales, the line has moved fairly quickly. If you aren’t familiar with the virtual line it’s exactly how it sounds. At 8:00 AM (Eastern Time) the “doors” open and everyone is placed in line. They let about 200 people into the sale at a time. You are timed while in the sale so you have to shop quickly, typically they allot you about 20 minutes, but don’t worry I have some tips to make shopping easier! After you check out you are placed at the end of the line if you want to shop again.

We typically see new product releases throughout the After Party Sale and a new release on the second day of the sale. I can’t confirm if this will be the case for the Lilly Pulitzer Dress for Summer Sale but I would imagine they are following a similar strategy.

In the past, the After Party Sale only contained pieces from past seasons, collections, and prints, but the Dress for Summer Sale includes pieces from items currently in season and available on the website.

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Tips for Shopping The Sale:

The After Party Sale is one of my favorite sales of the year, so after shopping Lilly Pulitzer sales for many years, I have created a list of tips that will help you purchase the items you are hoping for and checkout quickly!

  • Create an account: Make sure to create a user account on the Lilly Pulitzer website if you don’t have one already. Here is the link to do so.
  • Update shipping and payment info: If you do already have an account, make sure your shipping address is correct and your payment information is updated so you can checkout quickly.
  • Virtual Line: The virtual line can seem a little overwhelming. It moves quickly!
  • Don’t Refresh Your Browser: Once in the virtual line, be sure to NOT refresh your browser because it will take you to the back of the line.
  • Know Your Size: Be sure to know your size ahead of time and…
  • Know The Prints You Love: I also write down the names of the prints that I would like to purchase so I can FILTER using prints.
  • FILTER, FILTER, FILTER: Know your sizes, the styles you want to buy, and the prints you love. Search for those items first using the Filter tool. This will allow you to find the pieces you love quickly without searching the whole Lilly Pulitzer site for them.
  • Have a budget: When shopping the sale, have a budget in mind. I know for me, I typically create a game plan as to what I wish to purchase. I usually shop for my daughter too so I create a budget and a “wish list” of the items I want for myself and for my daughter.
  • Checkout quickly: Even though you have something in your cart, it doesn’t mean it’s yours until you checkout. Once you have the pieces you love in your cart, checkout quickly. This also helps those in the virtual line behind you have their turn shopping the sale.
  • Wait for your Lilly to arrive: I know there can be shipping delays on Lilly Pulitzer sale items. Don’t worry- they will make it to your house, I promise!

Shop Top Lilly Pulitzer Picks:

Some of these pieces will be included in the sale!

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