Holiday Gift Ideas for Kids

Holiday Gift Ideas for Kids | Gifts for Little Girls | Gifts for Girls | Gifts for Boys | Christmas Gifts for Kids 2020 | #giftsforkids

Happy Sunday, Lovelies!

With the start of the mad rush of Christmas shopping and “holiday everything” less than a week away, I wanted to start sharing more detailed versions of each of my 2020 Holiday Gift Guides.

I decided to start the guides off with Gifts for Kids because it is more than likely you have quite a few kiddos on your Christmas list.


At this point, you all know that girls are my strong point when it comes to gift guides BUT I found some really unique gifts that can be great for both boys and girls, and I believe will be gifts they cherish for a long time.

Holiday Gift Ideas for Kids | Gifts for Little Girls | Gifts for Girls | Gifts for Boys | Christmas Gifts for Kids 2020 | #giftsforkids

Yesterday as I was helping Lilly clean-up her playroom, I couldn’t get over how many tiny little toys and toy sets she had. None of them actually have all of the pieces together at this point, so when she plays with them she improvises.

Any mom knows that there is never enough time in the day to clean up and reorganize tiny little toys back into their designated playsets, so I made it my goal to pick gifts that do not have a ton of clean-up involved.

One of Lilly’s all-time favorite gifts is her playhouse (CURRENTLY ON SALE FOR 50% OFF). We bought a plain wood playhouse a few summers ago for her birthday and transformed it with some paint, and an awning that I made out of just two metal brackets and some striped fabric.

Holiday Gift Ideas for Kids | Gifts for Little Girls | Gifts for Girls | Gifts for Boys | Christmas Gifts for Kids 2020 | #giftsforkids

Our neighborhood kiddos love to come over to play with Lilly in her playhouse and you can usually find them making “soup” on a summer afternoon with flowers from my garden.

I love gifts like these that can involve so much time imagining and allows the kids to play outside.

But now…what you are really here for…Gift Ideas for Kids! I broke up my top picks into three separate categories for you, and once again, you can find my entire Gift Guide for Kids in the Holiday Gift Guide tab at the top of my blog!

Gift Ideas for Kids:

Holiday Gift Ideas for Kids | Gifts for Little Girls | Gifts for Girls | Gifts for Boys | Christmas Gifts for Kids 2020 | #giftsforkids

I wanted to gear one of the guides more towards gender-neutral ideas since you might be shopping for several kids in a family at once. A few of my favorite picks from this gift guide are:

  • Harry Potter: The Illustrated Collection– Lilly LOVES these. They are the same Harry Potter books you love but made more kid-friendly with beautiful illustrations on each page!
  • Reindeer Bouncer– Lilly received one of these on Christmas Eve from one of her great aunts and it was an instant hit! It’s great for gross motor skills and pure entertainment for the parents/family as well!
  • Ukulele– over COVID, I have been teaching Lilly piano and a little ukulele! The strings are easier for her small hands to reach and I just love the sound of a ukulele.
  • Play Kitchen– we bought Lilly a play kitchen for her first birthday and she still plays with it all the time at the age of 6!

Gift Ideas for Girls:

Holiday Gift Ideas for Kids | Gifts for Little Girls | Gifts for Girls | Gifts for Boys | Christmas Gifts for Kids 2020 | #giftsforkids

I thought I would share some of Lilly’s all-time favorite gifts with you for this gift guide:

  • Vanity and Stool– She LOVES her vanity. She uses it for dress-up, stores her jewelry on top of it, watches herself dance around her room in the mirror (haha), it’s her favorite corner of her room!
  • Playhouse– We have already covered this-but this is another gift that can be played with and cherished for years (Lilly’s is 50% off right now).
  • Dress-Up Wardrobe– A great way to store all the dress-up clothes while keeping them in little girl reach!
  • Bluetooth Karaoke Microphone– Lilly uses hers probably more than I would like (while looking at herself in her vanity mirror haha) but man is it so much fun! They can pick their songs on your phone or their tablet and play them/sing into the microphone!

Gift Ideas for Boys:

Holiday Gift Ideas for Kids | Gifts for Little Girls | Gifts for Girls | Gifts for Boys | Christmas Gifts for Kids 2020 | #giftsforkids

Below are a few of my favorite picks for the boys in your life:

  • Star Wars Lego Puzzle– with hours of building involved, maybe you will find some alone time over Christmas break with this gift!?
  • 3D Pen– Great for both boys and girls, take their drawings, imaginations, and creativity to the next level with this 3D Pen
  • Creatto– Create your own light-up animals with this building kit that lights up
  • Mini Golfers– perfect for any little boy trying to golf like Daddy (or Mommy).

Gift Ideas for Kids:

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