Family Christmas Pictures

There is no questioning that I love taking family pictures. Especially ones for our annual Christmas card. I love planning the outfits for each family member, I love capturing moments with my family exactly as we are because I know that a year’s time requires so much change, so much growth, and every year my family will be, in some way, different than the year before.

I love documenting that yearly change with our family Christmas card pictures. This year has brought a lot of change to our lives. My favorite change was the addition of our golden retriever, Maggie, who was a surprise for Lilly on her fourth birthday this year.

Outfit Ideas for Girls:
Outfit Ideas for Women:
Outfit Ideas for Men:
Perfect for the Puppies:

We of course wanted Maggie to be included in our family pictures this year. Mariah Fisher Photography did the most beautiful job capturing our family, dog in tow. Upon meeting Mariah, Maggie decided to formally greet her by peeing on her boot. When Mariah was trying to give Lilly a high five, Lilly thought it’d be a great idea to lick her hand.

Needless to say, Mariah is so fabulous to work with. She makes our sessions so much fun and eliminates the awkward feeling that often comes with being in front of the camera. I am forever grateful to her for capturing those moments I mentioned above that I cherish so much.

I love that our pictures almost tell a story this year. I knew that I wanted to showcase that when I was picking out what card to send. It took me a while to find a card I LOVED this year, but I finally settled with this tartan plaid card from Minted.

From my family to yours, we wish you a Merry Christmas Eve! May you find joy in all the little moments today and see the magic of Christmas everywhere you look!