Christmas Card Photos 2022

Happy Wednesday, Lovelies!
I finally designed and ordered our annual Christmas cards yesterday, which means I can share a few of my favorite pictures from our photography session with Mariah Fisher Photography. Mariah has been through it all with us. She’s captured everything from maternity and newborn photos to our annual holiday photos that we put on our Christmas cards. From our dog, Maggie, peeing on her boot the first time they met to Lilly licking her during one of our holiday sessions, Mariah puts up with all of the chaos that is our family.
She is incredibly chill and I just love her eye for details that not every photographer captures. I truly cherish the pictures we have taken with her over the years and I always love to look back and see how much we’ve all changed and grown.

Our town is picture-perfect all year round but especially during the holidays. And what’s better than how beautifully decorated the town is, are the people that make the town so magical during this time of year.

Our daughter, Lilly, is so fiercely convinced that Santa is real because she has developed such a special bond with the Santa in our town. He seeks her out every year as he strolls the streets of the town and makes her feel so important and loved.

There are horse-drawn carriage rides, gingerbread house contests, and such warmth from the people. It’s a beautiful place to visit any time of year, but especially at Christmas.

Every year I pick a Christmas plaid that I base our holiday photo outfits around. This year I chose a black watch plaid. We may have gone over the top with it a bit this year, but I wasn’t expecting the weather to be as warm as it was this year so I didn’t end up wearing a solid coat that would have broken up the pattern a bit more.

Click On an Image to Shop Our Outfits:

Our town also has the sweetest Letters to Santa mailbox where kids can drop off their letters to Santa. If they leave their return address, Santa writes back!

A special thank you to Mariah Fisher Photography for always capturing our family so well. If you are local to the Pittsburgh area, BOOK HER. She is incredible and we are always so thrilled when we receive our gallery from her!

Our 2022 Christmas Card:
I use the app Canva a ton for my job, so every year, I find a plaid that matches the one we picked for outfits and use it as the background, and create the cards on my own on Canva. We get our cards printed through Shutterfly and it’s much less expensive than using some of the pre-designed cards. I think each card was $0.79 this year which is really reasonable, and I love that the cards are unique and no one else has the same design as us.
Our Outfit Details:
Simply click the image you would like to shop and it will take you directly to the website!
Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a blessed 2023!