5 Things I Learned During This Pandemic

Happy Tuesday, Lovelies!
I was thinking today and couldn’t believe that six months ago is when the world shut down and was hit hard by COVID-19. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would live during a pandemic like this. I am a millennial and I will be the first to admit that we often think we are invincible. We learned about plagues, the Spanish Flu, wars, in history classes but I don’t know if we ever thought it would actually happen to us. Just like September 11, 2011.
Part of me feels like I am still trying to recover from the hard hit in March. I thank my lucky stars to have been in the situation I was in: Only one child, working from home…etc. However, I think I learned some really important things about myself during my time in quarantine, social-distancing, whatever you want to call it…and I thought I would share them with you.
- Slow Down: I was running on fumes before the pandemic. I was working for Stitch Fix (I no longer do-blog post coming), running my own business, teaching a fitness class every evening, balancing my family’s schedules, and doing all the mom things. I was always sick. Always tired. Always felt like I had more to do and couldn’t do it all. Then COVID happened. My life slowed down. It felt “neater”, better organized, my priorities were realigned. I wasn’t running to teach my fitness class in the evenings. My family had (still have) sit down dinners for the first time. I needed the pandemic to stop me in my tracks and help me rearrange my life.
- Smile With Your Eyes: I am such an expressive person and I think this is such a great way to interact with others right now, even if we have to cover our smiles with our masks and restrain from hugging one another.
- Be Patient and Kind: Those spring months were long. I struggled when I didn’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. Now lines, wait times, even shipping times seem to TAKE FOREVER. Remember that everyone is in a new situation because of this virus. People have lost their jobs, are working overtime to fulfill needs. Be sure to spread the love everywhere you go: at the grocery store, the post office…you name it. You never know what battles and worries people are struggling with.
- Appreciate Your Health: Now more than ever we need to treat our bodies well. Staying active, getting enough rest, eating well. These are things that we should feel so blessed to do for ourselves. Every day is a gift and life can be gone so quickly. Appreciate your health and show your body some love. Pray for those who can’t do the same and be sure to do your part in caring for other people’s health.
- Pivot and Adapt: Our world has changed so much this year. Whether it’s your personal life or business, pivot, and adapt. Make your store have an online presence, change the content you are creating, get creative with how to bring awareness to your company. Look at your analytics. See what is performing well then repeat. Being flexible and able to go with the flow is a great trait to have and one that will lead to success in the long run.
What lessons have you learned? I would love to know!